You Know You Need Custom Cabinets When…

October 20, 2017 Marvelous Woodworking

You Know You Need Custom Cabinets When…

custom cabinetry_bench and sides

Time and again, homeowners and designers come to Marvelous Woodworking because stores don’t have what they need. In an older home in Meridian Kessler, we were given a project that is the epitome of why one has custom furniture built. Our client needed bookshelves and cabinets in a tricky part of her side room. To start, the window was off-center on the wall where the cabinets would be installed, meaning our design would have to somehow hide the imbalance. There was also an air vent we had to avoid covering, and we had to incorporate a place for a TV and a window seat.

We first tackled the aesthetic problem of building a pair of seemingly identical cabinets, despite the left side being larger than the right. Thinking about the project as a whole, we noticed the TV and all its components would need a lot of space, making the left side its ideal spot. To store the components, we created an open cubby hole against the wall. We then made the doors of the lower cabinet the same size on both sides of the wall, which tricks the eyes at first glance to see the cabinets as equal.

custom cabinetsIntegrating an air vent into a piece is something we have done many times before, and for this project it was an easy task to install a panel.

custom cabinetsOur client wanted a bench window seat with storage either beside or in it. We decided a bench with hidden storage underneath would provide the most space.

custom cabinetsIt’s always a good idea to leave enough space for servicing or replacing a window. So, we did not install any trim or casing around the window, and made sure the cabinets did not come right up to the frame.

custom cabinetsWe wanted to echo the natural look of the oak flooring in the room with the cabinets, so we proposed to make the cabinet counter top natural finish cherry wood. Our client loved the idea—the cherry complemented the floors nicely. Our final touches – the trim and casing – were also stylistic echoes, pulled from the home’s doors and other architectural details.

Our client gave us what we consider to be one of the best compliments we can receive—she can’t remember what the space looked like before we did our work. The new white cabinets look like they have always been a part of the house, and on top of that they accommodated every one of her needs. This project shows what custom-made furniture can truly accomplish, where store-bought options fall short. Nothing our client could have found in stores or catalogs would have solved all of the issues the room posed.

We love working with our clients to create furniture that fits perfectly in their home. Whether you need a matching piece for your existing furniture, or you have a unique design in mind, we would appreciate the opportunity to create the right solution for you. Please call (317) 679-5890 or contact us here.