A Craftsman's Notes

The Marvelous Blog

Robin Schmadeke: Part of the Marvelous Woodworking Team

Since starting my business 11 years ago, I have always envisioned having a small shop, with just me and my tools. As Marvelous Woodworking has grown, I have really come to see the value in having someone else helping out. Fortunately, Robin Schmadeke reached out to me about 8 months ago, looking to train under a woodworker to help her expand her skills. I thought it would be nice to ask her to introduce herself a bit to you, my clients:


“I made a pallet wall in my house and I had a blast doing it. That led to a woodworking weekend class with a friend, and I loved that. I started making little things here and there for myself but I always looking for the next class I could take. The classes took a lot of time and money, so I began thinking I could find someone to train with as a job. I had been taking classes for about 3 years, and I knew I wanted to take it a little further.

I am from Greenwood Indiana and am married with two kids – 21 and 18. I have had a career as a bookkeeper, and I am still doing that the days I am not in the shop. I am with Doug two-days a week, learning a little bit of everything. This variety is why I like working with Doug. All the projects are different, and I am learning all the tools. One day I may use 6 different tools to work on one project. The next day will involve a bunch of other tools. I am really learning. I have even helped install a staircase.

staircase designI like about woodworking because I like to be creative and I like the peacefulness of the work, even though I am using loud equipment sometimes (with ear protection of course). I like the satisfaction of a job well done and the tangible things I make. Making our clients happy makes me happy.

custom built ins

It’s hard to come with a favorite project so far since all of them have such different aspects. We made a bar with a round shape where we needed to curve the wood. It was interesting to learn that process.And, we just completed a big bookcase wall unit – I really liked that project because I felt it is something a lot of people would love.”

From my perspective, Robin came at the perfect time. I needed the help and I had just about given up on finding the right person. Out of the blue Robin sent me an email. I could not believe my luck! We set a time to meet. I wanted to make sure she would like the work and be ok with the commute. (“I love the drive into the country,” Robin chimes in.) At our meeting we decided to give it a try to see if she enjoyed it, and she has been here ever since!

Having another person here helps in many ways. First, I need to keep my business running, so I am often out meeting potential customers, writing quotes and doing things like bookkeeping etc. Robin keeps the work moving while I am busy. She is doing what I really want to be doing, but as a business owner, I have other important duties too.

Secondly, some projects require two people. My work is not necessarily heavy, but sometimes I need another person to help me carry and place things, such as cabinets. Also, at the end of a long day, it is really nice to have someone else to lug things back out to the truck – less trips back and forth are welcomed after an already strenuous day.

Finally, it is helpful to have someone to bounce design ideas off of. I often ask Robin for her opinion on elements like how thick a piece should be or if one thing looks better than another. I feel this second opinion is important, bringing a better result for my clients by offering more than my just opinion driving the design.

I am thrilled to have the Marvelous Woodworking Team growing and thriving – ready to custom-build whatever woodworking projects they have in mind. Let us know if you need us. Send me an email or give me a call at 317-679-5890.

custom wainscoting

Enhancing the Character of An Older Home through Wainscoting

custom wainscoting

Many homeowners in the Meridian Kessler neighborhood of Indianapolis purchased their older homes for the character. The curved doorways, moldings, pocket doors and built-ins add architectural interest and evoke the time period in which the home was built. These lovers of older homes still need to update for functionality and aesthetics, however. My clients had purchased their MK home a few years ago and were looking to change up their guest bedroom a bit by adding wainscoting.

custom wainscotingThe graphic wallpaper in the space was cool, but it covered the whole wall making it overwhelming. The wainscoting was meant to break up the pattern a bit while matching the character of the rest of the home. My clients like the idea of a taller design, going just over the bed frame but still allowing the wallpaper to pop. Clean lines, lots of rectangles and thick moldings were the basis of the design.

custom wainscoting

It may appear at first that wainscoting is a straightforward job – one slaps some paneling up and add trim, right? However, there is a great deal of planning that goes into crafting a custom look. The goals for this project were to make the wainscoting look like it had always been there and to show no seams. I had to preplan the sizing of the panels throughout the whole room ahead of time, figuring out where to put the joints so I could cover them with trim and still achieve a cohesive look. Since we were covering all four walls, architectural elements like doors and windows needed to be accounted for as well. Panels had to be cut to different widths and then placed appropriately – it’s like a puzzle you build yourself.

custom wainscoting

To save on cost and mess, we decided to keep the existing base, window and door moldings in place during installation. The challenge here was to ensure the new and old blended well. The edges of the wainscoting were mitered or roundovered and set up flush against the moldings. Caulk and paint completed the job. There are many ways to go about installing wainscoting; if you are paying attention to the details, the end result of your process should look the same.

Adding wainscoting to a home is not about how the big planks look on the wall; rather it’s the details that will make or break the project. Experienced custom woodworkers know the engineering behind the design and installation, ensuring a seamless and high-quality result. Looking to add some additional character to your older home? Send me an email or give me a call at (317) 679-5890.